

The need for future leaders

B. Khudayarov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the National Research University, T. Sultanov, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Kh. Khayitov, Head of the Marketing and Student Practice Department, and University Press Secretary R. Jumaniyazov held a meeting jointly with Akmal Rakhmonov, Head of the Department for the Selection of Prospective Personnel of the Development Public Service Agency. The event discussed the employment of graduates.

One of the main tasks of the Agency for the Development of Public Service is the selection of talented young people with high professionalism and modern potential, the formation of a reserve of young personnel capable of achieving the set goals, capable of making correct decisions. It was decided to hold a master class and inform students on how to use - a single open portal for vacancies for civil service and - an electronic platform to test their knowledge.


                             "TIIAME" NRU Press service