Integration of education and industry
In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10.12.2021 No PQ-42 "On measures to radically improve the system of training of engineers for the economy on the basis of innovation and digitization." On 11 February, this year teachers, doctoral students, and masters visited the Information-Analytical and Resource Center of the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main purpose of this visit was to establish cooperation in the field of integration of education and production, as well as the qualification requirements for a master's degree in 70530804-hydraulics and engineering hydrology, compulsory and elective sciences in the curriculum, science programs, and syllabi, the discussion of the essence of the content.
At this meeting, the head of the ATRM Sh. Kurbanov,
Deputy Chief A.Mangliyev, Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Water Resources L.Muhammandnazarov and R.Saidovs spoke about the reforms in the water management system of the country in recent years, the achievements of the industry through modern water-saving technologies, and digitalization of the industry. During the discussion, the head of the department, Ph.D., prof. A.M Arifjanov made an analytical presentation on the qualification requirements of the master's degree, compulsory and elective subjects in the curriculum, science program, and syllabi.
The head of ITRC Sh. Kurbanov proposed to introduce the subject Hydraulic Planning And Projects." At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Water Resources L. Muhammadnazarov presented a brochure "History and current status of irrigation and drainage in the Republic of Uzbekistan."
University Press Service