

Participation in TV program "MINBAR"

On January 25, a group of professors from the "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University took part in the "Minbar" TV program of the "Mahalla" TV channel. Dean of the Faculty of Land Management, Ph.D., Associate Professor Narbaev Sharafitdin Kengeshovich, head of the Department of State Cadastre, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Rakhmonov Kasimjon, University Press Secretary, Associate Professor Rahimboy Jumaniyozov, Associate Professor of "Land Management", Candidate of Economic Sciences Babajanov Allabergan Ruzimovich, senior lecturer of the department Mukumov Abdugani Muratovich, Associate Professor of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Ph.D. Inamov Aziz Nizamovich, Associate Professor of the same department, Ph.D. Reymov Mamanbek Polatovich, senior lecturer Ph.D. Mukhtorov Uzbekhon Burhonovich, teacher of the department "State cadastres", researcher Ahmadaliev Vakhobjon Abdurahmonovich, teacher and researcher at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Abdurahmanov Ilkhom Isakovich, and a number of young scientists participated at the program and expressed their views. 

It is no exaggeration to say that "MINBAR" became a real platform for commentary that day.


University Press Service