‘The Best Scientific Article’ contest on NEXUS approach in Central Asia
This competition is organized jointly with the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization" within the EU funded project ‘Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia’.
Scientific articles should be submitted on the topic of ‘climate-water-energy-food and health’ NEXUS or be written in this direction.
The purpose of the competition is to strengthen cooperation between students and researchers in Central Asia, increase their knowledge and skills on the water, energy, food security and health NEXUS and climate change, as well as encourage climate change risk analysis in the Ferghana Valley.
Detailed information regarding the contest can be found at the following link.
Eligible Candidates
All undergraduate and graduate students, researchers (PhD students) of the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
The scientific articles will be accepted via this link or email competition1@tiiame.uz until March 1, 2022.
Award Ceremony & Prizes
The winners of contest will be awarded at the World Water Day event on March 23, 2022, in Tashkent. Travel related cost for award ceremony will be covered by organizers.
The top three winners (from each country) will receive the following prizes:
1st place: Laptop (15.6)
2nd place: Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab)
3rd place: Hard disk (1 TB)
Additional nominations (common for three states)
“The Best Article” among women researchers – Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab);
“The Best Article” on the role of women in climate risks and vulnerability – Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab).
Contacts: @competition_tiiamenru_bot and +998-99 929 78 45