Rector of “TIIAME” National Research University Prof. Bakhadir Mirzaev met with neighbouhood youth
It is imporatnt to mention that a face-to-face meeting was held with neighbourhood youth including Marifat, Aidynkol and Beshbola microdistricts of Yashnabad district of Tashkent city. Among meeting attendees there were young people, currently studying at school and university but who had fallen into different challenging paths due to carelesness and who are currently on the path to recovery.
Our university rector studied the problems and proposals of young people. In particular, the rector supported the interest of young people in the areas available at university and proposals for the participation at Language courses. There was also a open dialogue with attendees on solving different problems that concern young people. Responsible people have been given instructions on measures to solve the existing problems in order to provide a financial support for certain amount of young people.