

On the way of training highly-qualified personnel based on international standards

     With the aim of ensuring the implementation of Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated October 8, 2019 N. PD-5847 “On approval of the Concept for the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”, the process of training independently thinking highly- qualified personnel, capable of making independent decisions based on international standards, creating the necessary conditions for their intellectual abilities and the formation of a spiritually mature personality, the third year basic doctoral student of   “Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics” Department  Aziz Khaidarov, who became the winner of the competition “Sending young scientists to leading foreign scientific organizations for short-term scientific internships”, organized by the Agency for Innovative Development, is undergoing a scientific internship at “Meteorology and Hydrology” Department  of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, located in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, which is included in the TOP-300 in the ranking of leading higher education institutions in the world. The purpose of the internship is to improve water resources management, familiarize with the educational and scientific activities of a leading university, as well as further develop mutual cooperation between departments in the future.