Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In order to formulate a state order for admission to Higher Educational Institutions and improve the mechanisms for distributing state grants, improve existing conditions for quality education of young people, orient personnel training in developing industries and sectors of the economy:
1. Establish a procedure for the formation and placement of state orders for personnel training in higher education organizations, according to which:
a) from admission to the 2024/2025 academic year:
the practice of distributing state order parameters among state higher educational institutions will be abolished, and the approval procedure in the form of full-time education will be introduced for Bachelor and Master’s degrees, with the exception of higher military and paramilitary educational institutions;
while distributing quotas according to government orders, priority is given to areas of knowledge in engineering, medicine, exact and natural sciences;
Higher education organizations that admit students in the manner and under the conditions established for state higher educational institutions are allowed to participate in the distribution of state orders. In this case, the amount allocated per student in the relevant field of undergraduate education is financed in an amount not exceeding the average cost per student in public higher education institutions that have financial independence;
distribution of the state grant quota between higher education organizations is carried out according to the selection and scores of applicants registered for the corresponding higher education;
higher education organizations formulate admission parameters for the next academic year in accordance with the material and technical base, teaching staff and educational and methodological support and submit them to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation;
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation checks the validity of the parameters for admission to higher education organizations and submits them to the State Commission for Admission to Educational Organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the State Commission);
The State Commission establishes general parameters for admission to bachelor's degrees in higher education organizations, forms and languages of instruction, additional admission parameters for preferential applicants, target admission quotas, as well as parameters for admission to master's degrees with a state grant and approves them for higher education organizations. and languages, approving it on the terms of a fee agreement and submitting it to the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills;
b) from the 2024/2025 academic year, the share of the state grant quota in relation to the general parameter of admission to a higher educational institution for each area of education in the section of areas of education (undergraduate areas) of the state, approved by the commission;
c) Starting from 2025, the parameters of the state order will be approved for a period of 4 years in accordance with the forecast of the need for highly educated personnel, formed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment.
2. Socially stimulating payment of a state grant to students of higher education organizations starting from the 2024/2025 academic year of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the project office of the Center for Educational Projects and approve the proposal for its allocation in the form of an educational grant.
Note that:
a) a social incentive grant is allocated to students admitted to study on the basis of a state grant and within the framework of targeted admission, as well as to holders of grants from industries and industries, government bodies and organizations;
b) an educational grant is allocated to students admitted to a higher educational institution within the parameters of the state order;
c) Educational grants will be allocated for a period of one academic year to students entering undergraduate and graduate programs, starting from the 2024/2025 academic year. In that:
an educational grant is allocated to students, who score high on entrance exams in accordance with the state order quota allocated to higher education institutions in the first year;
the educational grant is redistributed in a differentiated manner by higher education organizations among students, who have achieved high academic rating indicators and are socially active in the second and subsequent years;
The scholarship is funded on a tiered basis and is awarded only to students, who have received a full scholarship;
Students, who have a social incentive grant are provided with a state grant in full for the period of study;
The obligation of students studying on the basis of an educational grant to work for at least 3 years after graduation is cancelled.
2. Socially stimulating payment of a state grant to students of higher education organizations starting from the 2024/2025 academic year of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the project office of the Center for Educational Projects and approve the proposal for its allocation in the form of an educational grant.
Note that:
a) a social incentive grant is allocated to students admitted to study on the basis of a state grant and within the framework of targeted admission, as well as to holders of grants from industries and industries, government bodies and organizations;
b) an educational grant is allocated to students admitted to a higher educational institution within the parameters of the state order;
c) educational grants will be allocated for a period of one academic year to students entering undergraduate and graduate programs, starting from the 2024/2025 academic year. In that:
an educational grant is allocated to students, who score high on entrance exams in accordance with the state order quota allocated to higher education institutions in the first year;
the educational grant is redistributed in a differentiated manner by higher education organizations among students who have achieved high academic rating indicators and are socially active in the second and subsequent years;
The scholarship is funded on a tiered basis and is awarded only to students who have received a full scholarship;
students who have a social incentive grant are provided with a state grant in full for the period of study;
The obligation of students studying on the basis of an educational grant to work for at least 3 years after graduation is canceled.
3. It should be noted that:
a) the minimum passing score for admission to study on the basis of a state grant and a paid contract is determined by the State Commission taking into account the average passing scores of the corresponding undergraduate course in the previous academic year;
b) targeted admission quotas are allocated within the parameters of the state order to meet the need for highly educated personnel in regions, industries and industries. In that:
state bodies and organizations, as well as business companies with a state share in the authorized capital (authorized capital) of 50 percent or more are customers of targeted recruitment and submit their personnel needs to the State Commission;
Targeted admission to the regions is carried out on the basis of selection from among applicants permanently residing in the corresponding region (registered at their place of permanent residence) and who have graduated from general secondary, secondary specialized and vocational educational institutions;
A quadripartite agreement is concluded between a citizen recommended for enrollment within the target admission quota and the interested district (city) administration, sectoral government body (organization) and higher education organization. In this case, the recruiter is responsible for providing the student with work and monitoring his work in a specific area (organization) after completing his studies;
c) From the 2024/2025 academic year, the general admission parameter for other forms of study in higher education organizations will be set at a level not exceeding the admission quota established for full-time study.
4. It should be noted that for admission to master’s programs and postgraduate education at the following levels, national or international certificates confirming the level of proficiency in a foreign language are required:
in foreign languages – not lower than C1 level;
humanities, biological and related sciences, mathematics and statistics, business and management, law, service, social and behavioral sciences, journalism and information, information and communication technologies – minimum level V2;
in other areas of education and cultural and sports specialties (specialties) - not lower than level B1.
5. Starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, determine that entrance exams to state higher and vocational educational institutions (with the exception of vocational schools) will be held simultaneously according to the principle of “first testing, then selection.” In that:
a) applicants take part in a competition for admission to undergraduate higher education institutions, and then to professional educational institutions based on the score obtained as a result of testing of their choice;
b) the process of admission to undergraduate studies at state higher educational institutions is carried out in two stages:
At the first stage, applicants register to take the test every year from June 5 to June 25 (even June 25) and indicate the set of subjects in which the test will be taken, the language of instruction and the field of study. When passing the test, as well as a professional (creative) exam, the state selects a higher education institution that will conduct this exam. At the same time, programs and evaluation criteria for unified professional (creative) exams for undergraduate studies are approved by the relevant ministries (departments) in agreement with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation;
entrance exams are held in July-August;
at the second stage, applicants choose a higher education institution, undergraduate specialty and form of study within 15 days after completion of the tests;
c) starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, admission to areas of study where a foreign language is the first subject in a set of subjects is carried out on the basis of a national or international certificate confirming the level of knowledge of a foreign language. language;
d) for admission to all state colleges and technical schools in accordance with the principle of “first testing, then selection”, applicants are admitted to the college and (or) technical school by profession and specialty, and the form of education after the final result of admission to higher educational institutions will be announced within 10 days.
6. It should be noted that:
Applicants, who have a benefit, which is the basis for recommending a student on the basis of an additional state grant without an exam, regardless of the form of study, according to the decision of the State Commission, for the first bachelor's degree program chosen as part of the benefit during registration are allowed to study on the basis of an additional state grant;
Applicants, who have the main privilege of participating in the competition within the framework of special admission parameters (persons with disabilities and orphans who are graduates of Mehribonlik homes, children's towns, SOS - children's neighborhoods and family orphanages, as well as guardianship authorities, or adopted family (under patronage) orphans (with the exception of twenty-five year olds) participate in choosing the first direction of bachelor's education of their choice within the parameters of a separate admission allocated for them;
applicants who participated in the competition within the framework of special admission parameters and were not recommended for enrollment in studies participate in the competition in the general manner for the undergraduate courses selected during registration;
winners of international sports competitions are accepted for training on the basis of an additional state grant without an exam, with strict adherence to the compatibility of sports in the field of physical education and sports;
an applicant recommended for study on the basis of a state grant with a benefit does not have the right to re-use this benefit;
the second and subsequent higher education is carried out on the basis of a paid contract, while a student who has entered the corresponding level of higher education on the basis of a state grant is not allocated a state grant for this level of education. second time;
A unified database of applicants who have benefits for admission to higher educational institutions, higher military and paramilitary educational institutions, military academic lyceums must be included in the Agency’s special information system for assessing knowledge and skills by interested ministries and departments before June 1, 2019. every year is formed through.
7. By June 1, the National Social Protection Agency will create a database of persons with disabilities, including blind people, with a clear indication of the disability group and ensure its integration with the Agency’s information system for assessing knowledge and skills. every year.
8. Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and employers' associations:
By the end of 2024, create a list of professions (positions) that will lose their importance, and new ones, as well as qualification requirements and competencies for them, having scientifically studied the expected changes in the labor market;
By May 1, 2025, ensure the creation and updating of the annual electronic platform “Atlas of New Professions of Uzbekistan” based on the collected data.
Expenses associated with the implementation of this paragraph are financed by the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment.
9. To the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation together with the project office of the Center for Educational Projects within three months:
a draft Government resolution defining the procedure for allocating educational grants to students of higher education organizations in a differentiated manner for one academic year;
a draft Government resolution that provides for the formation of target admission standards, the organization of admission processes and specific responsibilities of personnel customers to meet the needs of regions, industries and industries for highly qualified personnel;
submit to the Cabinet of Ministers proposals for amendments and additions to legislative documents arising from this Decree.
10. Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation K.A. is responsible and personally liable for the effective implementation of this Decree. Let Sharipov celebrate.
The responsibility are under the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.N. Aripov and O.G. Abdurakhmanov, Head of the Social Development Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev