

"Meeting with a psychologist"

On December 21, 2021, a meeting was held with the first-year students of the Faculty of "Organization and Management of Water Resources" with the psychologist of the  "TIIAME" National Research University, Muhamedova Muhayyo Kamolhanovna. Dean of the faculty R. Khakimov opened the event, he gave advice to students on the internal rules of the educational institution, dressing culture, the culture of behavior, as well as the importance and relevance of education. At the event, psychologist M.Muhamedova explained and provided information on the areas of psychological activities in the educational institution: psychoprophylactic work, psychological education and enlightenment, psychodiagnostic work, mental development, and psycho correction and psychological counseling. At the event, students received detailed answers to their questions.

Information of the press service of the "TIIAME"National Research University