

International Olympiad is the main foundation of international educational cooperation

      On April 30, 2024, the national stage of the international Olympiad was organized at “TIIAME” National Research University. 109 students from 13 Higher Educational Institutions of the country took part in the Olympiad online and offline. The Olympiad was opened by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of “TIIAME” National Research University Prof.Abdulkhakim Salokhiddinov and the Vice-Rector of the Kazakh-German University Barbara Janusz-Pawletta. Students from the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Andijan University of Agriculture and Agricultural Technologies and “TIIAME” National Research University took part in the Olympiad.

Итоги олимпиады:

1 место заняла Курбонова Камила, НИУ «ТИИИМСХ»,

2 место - Эштемиров Шохжахон, Университет мировой экономики и дипломатии,

3 место - Солижанов Асилбек,  Национальный университет Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека,

3 место - Жавохир Абдукаримов,  НИУ «ТИИИМСХ».

Информация отдела по работе с одаренными студентами

Пресс-служба НИУ «ТИИИМСХ»