“TIIAME” NRU - the necessity of the Nation
Any kind of innovation is a product of necessity. This phrase begins the introduction to the President's book "Strategy of New Uzbekistan". Thus, development occurs through change, innovation and evolution. It is also a search for answers to the problems, which is being faced through the life. Issues such as the efficient use of water resources, the need to restore the bio fund of agricultural land, the need for re-salinization and eroded areas require increased investment and scientific research, the widespread introduction of digital technologies to a new scientific level. In this regard, an important role was played by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the establishment of "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University. The first vice-rector of the institute Prof. Bakhodir Mirzaev, as a moderator of the event, gave the floor to the head of the Coordination Council of the National Research University Umurzakov Sardor Uktamovich, the Prime Minister - Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Then Prof.B.S. Mirzaev gave detailed information on the essence of the decision made within the framework of the presentation program. At the end of the event, suggestions and opinions of professors and youth were heard. The chairman of the board admitted that he will come every Saturday and respond to any comments.
Press Service of “TIIAME” NRU