IV- International Scientific and Practical Conference “Transformation of education: the role of women in the development of science”
We invite everyone to the 4th international scientific and practical conference on the topic of “Transformation of education: the role of women in the development of science!”
Dear professors, teachers, practitioners, doctoral students, independent researchers, undergraduates, students, youth and representatives of different fields of activity! The conference is organized on the basis of a plan approved by order of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. 16, dated January 18, 2024, on the occasion of February 11- “International Women's Day”"
Place and time of the conference: "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University February 16, 2024.
Deadline for applications and articles: February 13, 2024
Conference languages: Uzbek, Russian, English.
The purpose of the conference: to hold discussions and develop recommendations in order to expand the scope of support for women in Uzbekistan and further increase their influence in science, cultural, educational, political and economic affairs.
Scientific directions of the conference
Issues of Gender Equality in the transformation of education;
The role of women leaders in the development of science;
Participation of women scientists in the integration of education, science and production;
Rights and freedoms of women and girls in the development of education;
Achievements in the field of science and their application in practice.
Registration and presentation of conference materials
Articles are accepted for participation via telegram profile @Science_maqola24 (+998 933549654) until February 13, 2024. Articles by foreign authors are accepted and published free of charge by email at info@scientists.uz. For local participants, a fee of 170,000 soums is charged for each article and dissertation. Payment is made to a plastic card number 9860040104873951 (Rakhmatullaeva Gulirano).
Requirements for conference materials:
The content of the issues raised in the article, the description of the research method, the results obtained by the author, data and conclusions should be brief and clear.
Design requirements:
It is necessary to indicate the abstract and keywords (in three languages);
The text of the article should be in A4 format, with margins of 2 cm at the top and bottom, 3 cm on the left and 1.5 cm on the right;
The text of the article must be written in the Word text editor, Times New Roman font, font size 12, spacing 1.15, no less than 3 pages.
Indexing conference materials
Each article accepted for the conference will be posted in the Polish Index Copernicus, European Zenodo and Open Aire, the Russian international Cyberleninka database, on the science.uz platform and indexed in the international search engine Google Academic. A separate DOI number is obtained for each article.
Conference participants will be provided with an electronic version of the certificate, a certificate of indexing and a pdf version of the indexed article. The conference materials will be published as a special issue of the international scientific journal “Science and Innovation”.