Corruption is a threat to the future
On February 15, 2024 at university there was held a seminar-training on the topic “Anti-corruption and managing conflicts of interest.” The event was attended by Dean of “Energy” Faculty A. Isakov, Deputy Dean A. Botirov, Inspector of the Anti-Corruption Control Service of Uzsuvtaminot O. Radzhabov, Chief Engineer of Musaffo Obi Hayot Highway Suv Taminoti Tashmatov D., Head of the Anti-Corruption System Management Department compliance control A. Gapparov, senior inspector A. Ubaydullaev, as well as graduate students in the areas of education “Electric power engineering”, “Automation and control of technological processes and production”, “Information systems and technologies” and “Alternative energy sources.
Press Service of ‘TIIAME” National Research University