

Cooperation of institutions

In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set out in the Resolution by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 8, 2018 No. PQ-3702 "On measures to radical improvement of the system of the personnel training with higher education at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" and to involve professors and teachers of prestigious foreign higher education institutions in the educational process, Maurizio Rosso, a professor at the Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy, was invited and agreed to hold classes in cooperation with the "Mechanization of Hydromeliorative works" Department.

In this regard on December 4 "Technical and Hydraulic Fluids in Machines" workshop was co-organized with Maurizio Rosso for the 4th year students majoring in "Mechanization of Water Management and Land Reclamation" and Tashkent Turin Polytechnic Institute students majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Maurizio Rosso gave detailed information about the structure, principle of operation, main elements, and functions of the hydraulic system of the CATERPILLAR mini-hydraulic excavator and CATERPILLAR bulldozer, which are available in the laboratory of the department. The lesson was interesting for everyone. P.S. Professor Maurizio Rosso has been cooperating with the Department of Mechanization of Irrigation since 2019. Mr. Rosso drove the CATERPILLAR mini-hydraulic excavator himself, and the next turn was given to the visiting students. At the end of the speech, Mr. Rosso expressed his gratitude to the administration of the Institute for the created conditions and the opportunities.

Press service of TIIAME