Conference dedicated to the results of the National Ranking of Capital Schools for 2021-2022
The event was held at the Palace of Culture of National Research University"TIIAME" dedicated to the results of National Ranking of...
The event was held at the Palace of Culture of National Research University"TIIAME" dedicated to the results of National Ranking of...
On October 22, 2022, the 1st year students of "Hydroreclamation" Faculty under the guidance of tutor G.Z. Akhmedzhanova visited the State...
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to develop the fields of education and upbringing, and science in the...
A clear example of opportunities created by our President for young people is related to the development of domestic tourism. Yesterday,...
The event was held in Students dormitory on the theme "State language - a symbol of our national spirituality". The event was attended by the...
On October 21, 1989, there was adopted the Law “On the State Language” in our country to establish the legal foundations of the state language,...
It is important to suggest that every year on October 21, the event devoted to mother tongue is celebrated widely in Uzbekistan.There was...
On October 21, 2022, Abzal Ubaydullayev, senior Inspector of Preventive Service of Yunusabad Regional University Law Enforcement Center,...