

Youth Union Election Report- 2023

It is important to mention that the Great Future of Uzbekistan is in the hands of our Youth. On October 13, 20233 at our university there was organized Youth Union Report Elections – 2023. The event was opened by the rector of “TIIAME” National Research University Professor Mirzaev Bakhadir Suyunovich, who briefly spoke about the significant efforts, knowledge and initiative of young people nowadays. During the event, the Head of Youth Union of Tashkent branch Sobitov Otabek made a speech that more than 19 million of our country's population are young people. Then the Head of Youth Union of University was elected Mokhinur Yorbekova, a student of “Hydromelioration” faculty was nominated. She introduced her Program, mainly on 13 development areas for young people.



Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University