

"The Youngest Scientist" competition within CIS is finalized

   In the international competition "The Youngest Scientist of the Year 2021", held in Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan between 14 countries, from “TIIAME”NRU Nigmatov Azizzhon became the winner in the mentioned nomination. He was awarded with the 1st degree diploma and a badge. The author of patents for 9 programs in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 11 scientific articles in authoritative international scientific journals listed by the Higher Attestation Commission, there were published 39 scientific articles in national research journals, about 51 dissertations in collections international and local conferences as well.

    Besides that within the framework of the "Youth Forum of Uzbekistan - 2021" in the building of the Samarkand branch of IT-Park in Samarkand on December 15, the hackathon "The best innovative ideas of youth" was held. The team “Autonomous” deservedly participated in the mentioned projects and was awarded with  5,000,000 soums for the best projects from 30 teams within the framework of the Forum of Young Innovators, which was held on December 23,2021 at the Samarkand Youth Center. Sincere congratulations to Nigmatov Azizjon on this prestigious achievement and good luck in his future endeavors!

Press Service of “TIIAME”NRU