The word is the leader of human power.
On September 14, 2022, university psychologist M.K. Mukhamedova and the tutor of the "Hydromelioration" faculty D. Khursandova organized an event on the topic "The power of the word" with 2nd-year students of group 201. The event was organized with the aim of improving the students' speech literacy, and developing skills and abilities. The event was held under the slogan "The word is the commander of human strength."
During the event, the participants of the meeting were informed about the power of the word, the necessity of paying attention to the uttering words, that one wrong word can destroy an entire human life, or how an affectionate word can restore a broken heart. Questionnaires and training were held at the event, such as "What kind of interlocutor are you?", "I want to tell you that ...".
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service