

Winner of the "Seeds for the Future" project by Huawei

A 3rd-year student of the Faculty of "Hydromelioration", one of the leaders of the "Hydroleaders" team Shamsiddinov Khushnudbek took part in the "Seeds for the future" project announced by Huawei and became a winner. This project involved 30 Uzbek students from 7 universities, as well as students from Rwanda, Serbia, and Austria. Shamsiddinov Khushnudbek took the honorable first place among several countries. The "Water" project was able to win the attention of the jury as a project on the use of digital technologies in the water industry. Despite the fact that our student participate in this project for the first time, he became the winner in the nominations “Best Project and Team”; "The most active participant"; "Participant with the highest score in the Huawei Specialized Course Exam." We wish him good luck on the international stage, which is scheduled to be held in January 2023.


For information: the "Seeds for the Future" program is a flagship educational project that brings together students from 137 countries and regions from 500 universities around the world. 12,000 top students completed the program's internship, including participants who visited Huawei's headquarters in China and online participants in 2020 and 2021 projects. On November 14, 2022, the "Seeds for the Future 2022" project was launched in Uzbekistan, which for the eighth year provides students with the opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of ICT technologies, listen to lectures on strengthening leadership skills, study successful cases of implementing digital solutions to ensure sustainable development planet and societies, exchange cultural values ​​with participants from other countries, and learn about the traditions and culture of China. This year, students from Uzbekistan will take part in the project along with students from Austria, Rwanda and Serbia.

   Director of Huawei in Uzbekistan, Chen Jiakai noted: we welcome participants from seven universities in Uzbekistan, which proves the high interest in creating a high-quality talent pool and training highly qualified personnel from all partners in the IT industry ecosystem.”


In previous years, as part of the project, 50 TUIT students visited China and completed an internship at the company's head office. In connection with the pandemic in 2020, the “Seeds for the Future” project was organized online for participants from TUIT and Inha University in Tashkent. Last year, the project was held in a hybrid format at the Huawei office in Uzbekistan for students from four universities in Uzbekistan - TUIT, Amity University in Tashkent, Chemistry International University in Tashkent (former Yeoju Technical Institute) and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Considering that digital development and implementation of technologies related to various spheres of the economy and society, this year the project participants were not only students from universities with specialized IT areas, but students from the Tashkent International University of Education and the "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and agricultural mechanization Engineers" National Research University were also invited.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service