

The winner of academic mobility program

On July 7, 2022, the award ceremony for members of the Youth Academy was held at the Ministry of Innovative Development. At the event, certificates were awarded to the winners of the Academic Mobility Program. As part of the academic mobility program, the assistant of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics, Atakulov Dinislam Yermanbet ugli, also took part with his scientific idea, as a result of which he took a place among the winners and became the owner of an annual practical project.


   Currently, a database has been formed of more than 3600 innovative projects and ideas talented youth, students, scientists, entrepreneurs under the age of 40, in which the number of young scientists of our university is increasing year by year. Today, at the Department of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics, the faculty of the department organizes master classes to support the scientific projects of young scientists, to participate in various competitions, olympiads, as well as forums and conferences.


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