

Willpower is the courage of mind

On June 4 of this year, a group of 105-106 students of the Faculty of "Civil Engineering" met with a university psychologist M.K. Mukhamedova and faculty tutor B. Abdullaev, they held a training seminar on the topic "Irodani kuchaytirish orqali ijobiy samaradorlik va yutuqlarga erishish yo'llari"(“Ways to Achieve Positive Efficiency and Success through Strengthening the Willpower). The event was organized to overcome laziness, and achieve success.

All participants took an active part in the event, especially Doston who could become a role model for all his peers with his deep reflections. During the event, were held such games and trainings as"Time Technique", "The role of 20 minutes in our lives", "Seven Wonders of the World", "Light from Heaven".

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service