Webinar on Actual Topic
According to the schedule, on October 13, 2023, there was organized a webinar at our university on the topic “Etiquette and Culture of clothing” for the students of “Hydromelioration” Faculty with the initiative of Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Education R.Choriev, Chairman of the Women's Advisory Council, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Z.Ismailova and the dean of “Hydromelioration” Faculty Prof. A. Fatkhulloev. The event was organized in a high-level and students could get enough information about Etiquette and Culture of clothing, especially in the territory of university.
Davra suhbatida Yoshlar masalalari va maʼnaviy- maʼrifiy ishlar bo‘yicha prorektor R. Choriyev hamda Xotin-qizlar bo‘yicha maslahat kengashi raisi Z. Ismailovalar so‘zga chiqishdi va talaba qizlarga “odob-axloq qoidalari” va “kiyinish madaniyatiga rioya qilish” yuzasidan kerakli tavsiyalarni berib o‘tishdi.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University