

Visiting makhalla "Asaka"

    This week there was organized an event at  "Asaka" makhalla of Mirzo-Ulugbek district, where a round table discussion was held with activists of  mahalla about employment and increasing the social activity of young people. Dean of the Faculty of “Land Management Resources” Sh. Norboev, Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs Kh. Eshova, Senior Lecturer Z. Khafizova, as well as faculty tutors D. Khursandova, M. Vafoeva, S. Ibragimov took an active part in the event. Large-scale work is being carried out in our country to create the necessary conditions for educating harmoniously developed youth and teaching specialties, increasing their activity in the process of creating a democratic society.

   These days more and more attention is paid to the education and upbringing of youth in makhallas and students of secondary schools, and even respect and attention to teachers is growing. Strengthening the place of teachers and mentors in society, identifying talented students, orienting them to a profession of interest has become an important task in the field of education. Our faculty provides comprehensive assistance to further development and improvement the quality of the educational process in these makhallas and schools, for revealing the talent of youth in makhallas by cooperating with Youth Union of University.

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