

Visit to the Physical and Technical Institute "Physics-Sun"

The members of the Physical and Technical Institute "Physics-Sun" Ph.D. E.Yu.Rakhimov, Ph.D. F.Sh.Kasimov and Ph.D. A.Achilov delivered lectures and practical classes on the topic "Photovoltaic power plants" for 2nd-year students of groups 208 and 209 of the Faculty of Energy Supply of agriculture and water management.

The Physical-Technical Institute (FTI) of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan was organized on November 4, 1943. and was the first scientific research institute on the physical profile in Central Asia. The Institute is not only one of the oldest scientific institutions in Uzbekistan but also plays an important role in the development of education and science in the country.

The Institute conducted research in various topical areas of physics and technology, and then for new research institutes, laboratories, and departments of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Higher Education.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service