Visit to Muruvvat boarding school N 2 for children with disabilities
On November 10, 2021 the students of 407- group of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization visited "Muruvvat" boarding school N 2 together with group trainer N. Khalikova and deputy dean K. Usmanov. The purpose of the visit is to create a wide range of facilities for people with disabilities and draw public attention to the problems of people with disabilities. In addition, along with these visits, we want to share the festive mood of our children, so that they grow up healthy in all respects, as well as establish friendly relations between healthy and unhealthy children. In accordance with the current quarantine rules, the students donated charitable gifts to the boarding school staff. The gifts were sent by the inmates of the boarding school in the form of a video, and the students expressed their sincere gratitude.
Deputy Dean K. Usmonov Press Service of TIIAME