

A trip of university students to Samarkand

    With the aim  of developing the activities on Five initiatives including tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially among the youth of our university, on May 7, 2023, on the basis of the initiatives of our esteemed rector Mirzaev Bakhadir Suyunovich, there was organized a trip to Samarkand for the students of "Philology" specialty, " Theory and Methods of Teaching" Department, "Ecology and Law" Faculty of university.The senior teacher of the department Nargiza Khodzhakulova, Khudoyberganova Nafisa and Karimov Feruz accompanied the students.

During the trip, students visited several ancient monuments of the city. In particular, they visited the observatory of Mirzo Ulugbek, mausoleums of Hazrat Daniyar and Gori Amir, Reguston square, Bibikhanum madrasah, Siyob bazaar, mausoleum of Shakhi-Zinda , house-museum of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. The trip was very meaningful and supportive as students gained a good practice.  

 Press Service of National Research University “TIIAME”