

There was held a seminar-training on Sustainable Bioeconomy in Uzbekistan

 At Samarkand Agronovation-European Institute, within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “BioEcUz” there was discussed the opportunities for students on  Master’s degree programs “BioEconomy”  from a European and Neighboring partner universities. During the two-day seminar-training from professor- teachers there were asked to discuss the topics such as workshop teaching methodology and installation of subject materials with students in groups.  


All participants could receive the  unanimous conclusions of each group. Groups of professors from  Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Uzbekistan Universities, including  " TIIAME" National Research University , Tashkent State Agrarian University, Bukhara State University,  University made presentations on  "Bioeconomics",where the issues of graduating Master's students on  subjects were discussed. Issues such as sending students with excellent grades to Latvia for a weekly and long term- internships were discussed  as part of the October project activities.


BioEcUz commented on Alari by informing that they are have   been working with Uzbek scientists within the project for three years and that this program will make a significant contribution to the development of the bioeconomy in Uzbekistan.