

“There is no mud from the spring rain, there is no wealth from theft”

   On November 4, 2022, at the initiative of the university psychologist M.K. Mukhammedova and tutor of the Faculty of "Mechanization of hydromeliorative works" A. Shonazarov organized a seminar training for 1st-year students of the 101-104 groups of the faculty on the topic “There is no mud from the spring rain, there is no wealth from theft”.

At the beginning of the event, the students answered the tests aimed at determining the degree of adaptation of students to the university and determining the psychological atmosphere in the group. According to the results of the tests, it was found that the students formed an average and high degree of adaptation to the educational process at the university, and a healthy, friendly, positive atmosphere developed in the groups. During the event, all students received useful information for them.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service