Theestablishment of a new laboratory in cooperation with foreign companies
On June 29, 2022, the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization held a presentation and seminar on the grain sorting machine produced by the Czech company "JK Machinery", which was presented to the university as part of the cooperation agreement with the Kazakh company "DIQAN". The seminar was attended by representatives of grain and seed production and professors and teachers of the university. After the presentation of the grain sorting machine, in the practical part of the seminar, the process of separating wheat, rice, and mash seeds into 4 parts and cleaning and calibration was demonstrated.
Detailed information was provided on the technological process of the machine. Foreign experts visiting the university answered the questions of the participants. It should be noted with pleasure that now the students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization have the opportunity to conduct laboratory training on the sorting of seeds of various plants on this grain sorting machine.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service