Taking care about the future of Uzbekistan
There was organized the event, devoted to our Constitution, aimed at promoting the draft Constitutional Law.The event was attended by members of the Women's Council, teachers of the faculty and students. Associate Professor, Ph.D. H. Nazarov made a speech at the meeting, where he mentioned about one of the most important areas of the reforms being carried out is the field of education, because society changes with a person, and a person changes with education. In recent years, the system of higher education has been radically reformed. Professor informed that the main goal of the reforms in this area is to increase the creative potential of young people in society, to expand the possibility of achieving success in independent life. Associate Professor of “Humanities” Department Kh. Botirova made a contribution to the event as well. In the new edition of our Constitution, women are given equal rights and opportunities in society and public administration and other areas. As a result of the inclusion of the norm of equality in the new version of the Constitution, the possibility of ensuring the equal participation of women with men in all spheres of state and public life, including decision-making was also emphasized. The students received answers to their questions about the amendments to the constitution. The event was very informative and supportive.
Press Service of NRU ”TIIAME”