

In Syrdarya Region “Youth Technopark” there was held  “Demo Day” event  based on the results of the 2nd season  “InnoX-2” Business Incubation

 In Syrdarya Region “Youth Technopark” event in order to widely involve youth in innovative activities, create the necessary conditions for the manifestation of intellectual potential and social adaptation of talented, proactive youth, the final event “Demo Day” of the 2nd season of the InnoX incubation program was held. 25 startup projects prepared by project owners were presented and evaluated by experts and members of the selection committee.

Based on the results of the event, TOP 10- the best innovative projects with high achievement were selected. Syrdarya Region “Youth Technopark” awarded the winners of innovative projects with cash prizes and certificates.



  Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University