"Sun-Wind" sample of the mobile power station and experimenting electric tractor:
It is important to suggest that on March 30, 2023 the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited Youth Technopark in Nukus. Our president got acquainted with the developments created by young scientists. Among such promising developments is an experimental model of a mobile power station "Sun-Wind" and an electric tractor of class 0.4, created under the guidance of Associate Professor A. Bokiev, "Electrical Technology and Operation of Electrical Equipment" Department of university.
It should be noted that preliminary experiments of the created innovative development were carried out in Beruni district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The results achieved were considered as positive ones. In conclusion, the President instructed to provide financial support to these innovations in order to implement them into practice in a short time.
Press Service of NRU"TIIAME"