Spring -the awakening of Nature: girls activities
Girls are compared with spring. Only spring repeats the beauty of Uzbek girls. “The Extracurricular activities for Girls”, held in the dormitory of students, Faculty of “Land Resources Management”, reminded of spring festival of flowers. The most active members of our faculty, dressed in beautiful national costumes and with well-groomed hair, competed in demonstrating their superiority in cooking, ingenuity and knowledge. Kadyrova R., Mukhamedova M., Azizova N., members of the Women's Council of the University, participated in the event as a commission member in order to properly evaluate our girls. In the competition, students competed in 3 conditions.
“Such events play an important role in the harmonious development of our girls in all respects, in accordance with our national traditions,” said R. Kadyrova, a member of the Women's Council of the University. Our girls' knowledge of oriental customs, grandmothers' customs and traditions is a sign that they will grow up to be good spouses, housewives and mothers, and the family they build will make a worthy contribution to the solid foundation of our society. We express our gratitude to the dean of the faculty Sh.Narbaev, deputy dean for youth work Kh.Eshova, chairperson of the women's council of the faculty Z.Khafizova, tutors of the faculty D.Khursandova, M.Vafoyeva, S.Ibragimova.
Press Service of "TIIAME" National Research University