Sport is the guarantee of Health
In the gym of our university, intergroup competitions on Football, Volleyball, Chess and Table- tennis were held, the aim of which was organizing the meaningful time of students. The 1st course students of “Economics” Faculty took an active part in competitions. Such competitions are held regularly. Of course, we can say that sports unite students andprovide an opportunity for making friends.
Musobaqalarda "Iqtisodiyot" fakulteti 1-bosqich talabalari xam faol ishtirok etishdi. Bunday musobaqalar muntazam o‘tkazib kelinmoqda. Albatta, sport talaba-yoshlarni birlashtiradi va do‘stlashtiradi deb ayta olamiz. Sport bilan shug‘ullaning va doim sog‘ -salomat bo‘ling.
"Iqtisodiyot" fakulteti tyutori D. Egamova axboroti
Universitet matbuot xizmati