Spiritual and educational event on the theme "The memory of human is sacred"
The Alley of Literatteurs is one of the unique and favourite places in Tashkent. Since 2017, memorial complexes of outstanding representatives of national literature have been created in the park. There are monuments to Khamid Olimjon, Gafur Gulyam, Zulfiya, Abdulla Kahkhor, Oybek, and Said Ahmad. Among these monuments is a monument to Abdulla Oripov, the hero of Uzbekistan, the author of the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the pride of the people in Kashkadarya, a people's poet. A spiritual and educational event dedicated to the memory of Abdulla Aripov was held on the Alley of Literatteurs with the participation of tutors of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Zh. Sadullayev, N. Karimov and active 1st-year students. The participants of this event were able to enjoy the work of the poet. They honored the memory of the poet and laid flowers. This alley contributes to raising the cultural and educational awareness of young people.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service