

Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev at the ceremony, dedicated to International Women's Day

    In the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev at the ceremony, dedicated to International Women's Day there was mentioned about the work, carried out directly related to women's issues and specific tasks for working with them were identified. It was impressive that in our country a great importance is being paid  to the development of our daughters, mothers and female teachers, regarding Higher Education, modern professions and technologies and acquring foreign languages. Indeed, it is important for a woman to receive education in order to strengthen the family in all aspects, ensure family peace and harmony and raise children.

     The President of Uzbekistan paid great attention to the important issue about the neccessity for our students to know foreign languages as the knowledge of foreign languages is especially important for girls. Besides that the importance of conducting scientific research to improve the status of women in the family as well as paying attention to a foreign language in order to make a comparative analysis. Regarding this, created great opportunities at Higher Educational Institutions  especially in the area of learning foreign languages are very huge.