

Speech is the mirror of the human soul

There was organized the online event by ZOOM program at 20:00, where a  practical lesson on public speaking was held. It was attended by students from almost all faculties. The students learned about the culture of speech and oratory, the secrets of expressive speech and expressive reading. Fayzullaev Behzod, a student of Faculty “Mechanization of Irrigation Works”, expressively read Abdulla Aripov's poem "Tavallo" before the start of the lesson.


 Sardor Sattarov, a student of “Hydraulic Engineering” direction, expressed his opinion about the read poem. The meeting was held in the format of an open dialogue, where students asked many questions. Regular participation in classes, timely completion of exercises and assignments will lead to good results. Classes will run as scheduled.

                                                                                                                         Press service of NRU "TIIAME".