

The special visit of Chairman of Governing Council : approvals and proposals

It is important to mention about the wise quotation suggested by the Head of our Government about society can change if only people in society try to change. These words mean that everyone should feel responsible for their work. On January 27, 2022 the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Governing Council “TIIAME” National Research University  Umurzakov Sardor Uktamovich visited “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University. He suggested about the activities of the President as a long-term strategy and the mentioned about the video conference organized the day before, which was devoted to the discussion the development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 and its implementation within the current year, which proves the necessity of taking serious responsibility for all of us.

      After that he gave brief information about professor Mirzaev Bakhadir Suyunovich, who was appointed as a rector of “TIIAME” National Research University and noted about the importance of  having many years experience in managing the educational establishment. He also suggested about  uniting  around the rector, which is essential key to success. Then the floor was given to the  Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Prof. Tashkulov Abdukodir Khamidovich, who noted about the   decision of the President on transforming institution to National Research University, which expresses the obligation and trust for staff and personnel, we need to change and act accordingly to the set goals. The Minister also admitted the necessity of  reforms in Higher Education System, as well as the fact that the social environment in most educational places leaves much to be desired. A focus on higher education is an important part of the development strategy, which includes areas of action related to issues of level, knowledge and quality of education. A. Tashkulov acknowledged that Dr.Bakhadir Suyunovich spent 36 years in responsible positions after graduating this educational institution, and that he knew professor-teachers and students well, who dedicated his whole life to his career being passionate and he wished him professional prosperity. Additionally, Dr Sardor Uktamovich emphasized that Governing Council is not just a supervisory board, but also the council, that solves serious issues together.



Then Rector Mirzaev Bakhadir Suyunovich expressed his sincere gratitude for the trust and promised to establish fully the educational process and get positive results. The Chairman of the Council addressed to all vice-rectors and expressed his  their wishes and proposals. The vice-rectors Bakhtiyor Khudayarov, Ruzimurat Choriyev, Tokhir Sultanov, Abdukhakim Salokhiddinov, Bakhtiyor Khasanov expressed their opinions about  their duties and assignments. The meeting under the representation of the Chairman of Council was organized in a warm and friendly atmosphere.                                                                                                                                                       Press Service of  “TIIAME” National Research University