

A special visit to Beshkent Agricultural College under National Research University "TIIAME"

    With the aim of ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks due to the resolution N. 17, dated April 11, 2023, set by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation as well as according to the rector's order of National Research University "TIIAME", Prof.B.S. Mirzaev N. 57,  dated May 03, 2023, R.Niyazov, associate professor of "English language" Department  was sent to two day business trip to Beshkent Agriculltural College(technikum, located in  Kashkadarya region).

The training classes were organized with the participation of college students in a very high level. During the interview, there was an opportunity to identify a group of students with the ability of learning foreign languages, planning to travel and study abroad. The invited guest associate-professor used different modern approaches in order to enrich the knowledge of technikum students in the areas, which were interesting for them.The students were first given 30 English grammar tests, followed by oral questions, that was beneficial for the learners to improve their knowledge. The training courses, held twice a week, which were aimed at improving learning English langauge skills,motivated students.

    The training classes were organized with the participation of college students in a very high level. During the interview, there was an opportunity to identify a group of students with the ability of learning foreign languages, planning to travel and study abroad. The invited guest associate-professor used different modern approaches in order to enrich the knowledge of technikum students in the areas, which was interesting  for them.The students were first given 30 English grammar tests, followed by oral questions, that was beneficial for the learners to improve their knowledge. The training courses, held twice a week, which were aimed at improving learning English langauge skills,motivated students.

   Press Service of National Research University “TIIAME”