Special Appreciation to the Esteemed Teacher of university
Everyone knows the Esteemed Teacher Mukhayo Shumarova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of “Agricultural Machines” Department of “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University. At the special event distinguished guests took part with the aim of congratulating the teacher with her 85th anniversary. Among the participants there were Sadykjon Turdiev, Chairman of the Board of Nuroniy Foundation, Hero of Uzbekistan and Sharif Ubaidullayev, Editor-in-Chief of Nuroniy newspaper, who along with congratulatory words, awarded an honorary badge to Prof. Mukhayo Shumarova.
Then the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kongratbay Avezimbetovich Sharipov expressed his congratulation by awarding the professor with the sign of the ministry. Then the rector of our university Prof. Bakhadir Mirzaev presented a painting with a portrait of a professor Mukhayo Shumarova. The rector kindly mentioned the huge contribution made by Prof. Mukhayo Shumarova. It should be mentioned that M. Shaumarova is an educated researcher, the first mechanical scientist in Uzbekistan, hard-working person who constantly works to improve her professional skills and support youth for the prosperity of motherland.
Prof.M. Shaumarova was awarded with certificates of honor from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Agriculture, the signs of the 10th and 20th anniversary of our Independence, recipient of the Order of Labor Glory. The university staff wishes the esteemed teacher strong health and happiness.