Seminar- training with professor from Turin Polytechnic University- Maurizio Rosso, Italy
The training of specialists with higher education at the level of advanced educational standards for high-tech industries, design and construction of industrial and economic facilities remains relevant today. In order to effectively implement this task, on the basis of a memorandum of cooperation between National Research University "TIIAME" and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, large-scale work is planned. Professor Maurizio Rosso, Senior Lecturer of Turin Polytechnic University together with A. Sharipov, Head of the Department of "Mechanization of Irrigation Works" of our university.I. Khudaev, Assistants of the Department F. Yusupov and M. Khurramov organized practical classes for students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of "Mechanization of water management and melioration" specialty of our university and Turin Polytechnic University of "Technology of mechanical engineering" specialty.
Press Service of “TIIAME”
National Research University