The search for knowledge is the foundation of the future
On October 27, 2023 university psychologist M.K.Mukhammedova and G.Akhmedzhanova, D.Akhrarova, A.Shonazarov, tutors of “Hydromelioration” Faculty and S.Mukhrumboeva, a teacher-trainer of Student Dormitory N.4 organized a seminar-training with the first year students on the topic “ The future is in my hands". The seminar-training was organized in order to allocating meaningfully the free time of students as well as organizing training sessions aimed at providing the educational impact on students. During the meeting, tutors also expressed their thoughts and opinions on the topic and gave valuable advice to motivate our students. The event was useful in terms of providing detailed information to the participants.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University