Scientific observations at land reclamation facilities
It is important to mention that associate professors of the department "Irrigation and melioration" Mamataliev A.B., Botirov Sh. Ch., ass. Mardiev Sh.Kh. They visited land reclamation facilities in the Jizzakh region. Visited by Abduzhalilov Kh.F., student of the department "Water management and melioration" also participated. This visit is related to the provision of a scientific and technical opinion on the projects for the construction and reconstruction of irrigation and reclamation facilities specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 11, 2020.
During the business trip, the team was accompanied by the Deputy Director of the State Institution "Jizzakhsuvkurilishinvest" Eshankulov Bakhrom, the technical manager of the facility Bakhromov Oralboy and an employee of the Land Reclamation Expedition Ergashov Khusnidin.
Together with them, the reconstruction work was reviewed, the compliance of the created collector parameters with the working project was checked. Opinions on the results of the monitoring work were discussed with the workers on site. Appropriate advice and recommendations were given to eliminate the shortcomings.
Press Service of the University