Round- table talk with faculty members of prestigious foreign universities
On June 28, 2024 “Agricultural Engineering and Technology” Department of “TIIAME” National Research University was visited by Professor of North Dakota State University, USA Sulaimon Eshkabilov and Professor of the University of Hohenheim, Germany, Golibjon Sharipov. A round table-talk was organized for the teaching staff, young scientists, undergraduates and doctoral students on the issues of conducting scientific research in modern areas, preparing and publishing articles in prestigious journals and issues of doctoral studies abroad.
During the event, our compatriot professors provided the necessary information about the research work, carried out currently in the USA and Germany, the submission of projects to international grant projects in modern areas, the high-quality implementation of projects, the preparation and publication of articles in prestigious journals, based on the results obtained. Young scientists shared their experience in doctoral studies and conducting scientific research abroad. The organized event was very supportive and made a great impression on the participants; they received a lot of information on issues that interested them.