Reputable teacher
"TIIAME" National Research University held an extended meeting of the University council on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of associate professor Komilov Asil Ikromovich.
The Rector of our National Research University, Prof. Bahodir Suyunovich Mirzaev led the event as the chairman of the council. On behalf of the university, the rector congratulated the teacher and presented gifts. Then gave the floor to the representatives of partner organizations and the invited guests.
First, Senator Sadiqjon Turdiev, chairman of the "NURONI" fund for social support of veterans of Uzbekistan delivered a speech and presented a badge on behalf of the Foundation, and praised the mentor. Then the deputy chairman of the foundation, editor-in-chief of "Nuroniy" newspaper, and well-known journalist Sharof Ubaidullaev sincerely congratulated Asil Ikromovich. Davitov Sadriddin Raimovich, Deputy General Director of the Case-Service joint venture, congratulated and presented his gifts on behalf of the graduates of TIIAME NRU.
"Qishloq xo‘jaligini mexanizatsiyalash" fakultetining jamoasi nomidan dekan Shavazov Qodir Ochilovich, On behalf of the team of the " Agricultural Mechanization" faculty, dean Shavazov Kadir Ochilovich, dean of the "ESAWR" faculty Isokov Abdusaid Jalilovich, and dean of HM faculty Alisher Fatkhullaevlar also congratulated and presented souvenirs on behalf of their teams. On behalf of the team of the "Tractor and Automobile" department, the head of the department, Omonov Mansur Ochilovich warmly congratulated him on behalf of the team of the department.
Komilov Asil Ikromovich always has had the ability to objectively assess the situation, strives for innovation, has special qualities in creating a healthy working environment in the department, and has a broad outlook. 1st-degree labor veteran. May all of us celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 1st-degree Labor veteran Asil Karimovich with our team and his family. Stay healthy, Asil Ikromovich!
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service