


      On December 11, 2023 there was organized the event at ‘Ecology and Law” Faculty of “TIIAME” National Research University planned for 2023-2024 academic year by Z. Ismoilova, the Chair of Women's Advisory Council,Advisors to faculty deans. During the event there was givent report regarding the activities on the conducted work done together with female professors of the faculty and students. The report of B.V. Madaminova was very supportive to participants. The event was attended by the rector's adviser on women's issues Z. Ismoilova, the dean of the faculty Kh. Pirmatov, as well as the female staff of the faculty. During the event the achievements of female professors of the faculty in terms of increasing the scientific potential, academic education and extracurricular achievements of talented female students, as well as the achievements of female students were also discussed. At the same time, there were discussed the issues relating material and moral support provided by the university to women and students in need of social protection. Plans for the future were determined as well.


Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University