

Rector of “TIIAME” National Research University met with the students of Correspondence Education

   On January 8, 2024 our university welcomed students of correspondence education.It is important to suggest that for 2023-2024 academic year more than 1030 students were admitted to 18 areas of study our university. During the event the full information about university, course details, modules, syllabus and curriculum of introductory courses, credit module system, information about university educational buildings, lecture halls and Information Resource Center, equipped with modern technologies. Students were given instructions of working at Hemis platform.

During the meeting, the teaching staff provided information about the educational system conducted at our university.There was organized the event, the rector of university, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mirzaev Bakhodir Suyunovich and the Head of Correspondence Education, Associate professor Mardonov Sherzod Khalilovich met with the students at Palace of Culture of University.

The rector of university Mirzaev Bakhodir Suyunovich sincerely congratulated the students on their admission to our university. Students were provided with information about educational, methodological, research, youth policy state, mentoring system of university, the activities of clubs, international cooperation, achieved successes, as well as future priorities and directions.




                                                                Press Release of “TIIAME” National Research University