Press Release
On May 19, 2022 at "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University with the support of project founders of Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany there was orgganized hybrid round table within VEGERA "The improvement of energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems". The rector of the University Prof. Bakhadir Mirzaev made a welcoming speech. In his opening speech, the rector gave information about the wood processing and efficient use of wood in Uzbekistan in order to expand the range of undergraduate and master students at the university. The rector also said that the above project meets the requirements of our national reforms and the implementation of the experience gained as a result of the projects will help improve the quality of education in higher education.
During the event, Professor Martin Welp from Eberswalde University for Sustainable Develeopment, Germany , representatives from the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department for the Development of Innovative Ecosystems in Network Enterprises Berdiev S.A., Director of Research Institute of Forestry Professor Khamzaev A.Kh., Associate Professor of "TIIAME" National Research University Guzal Eshchanova, Founder of the furniture enterprise LLC " Etikod” Kasimov Abdugani , Director of the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) D. Javed Rizvi, Professor Eike Roswag-Klinge from Berlin Technical University, Germany, VEGERA project coordinator Dilfuza Yuldasheva, Head of Department of "Cellulose and Wood Technology" of Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Associate Professor,candidate of technical sciences I. Siddikov , as well as teachers and students of our university took part.
Questions and answers were devoted to the importance of training specialists to meet the requirements of the labor market, further modernization of the education system and the introduction of advanced technologies in education.
The event is part of the international project "International Climate Initiative-Medium Grants Program" in partnership with Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development , Germany.
The main goal of the event is to expand the internationalization of higher education institutions on renewable raw materials of agroforestry systems with the participation of scientists, professors, researchers and experts within the framework of the VEGERA project, as well as to organize international cooperation and exchange of experience. Leading scientists from German universities in the field of raw materials used in construction, as well as experts in this field also took part.
The purpose of the dialogue event is to present the VEGERA project to the relevant stakeholders and the general public and to discuss the wide range of opportunities in the construction industry.
Press Service of University