The presentation on the topic “Seismic platform for assessing the seismic resistance of soil dams” at university
It is important to suggest that in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the seismic safety system of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No. PD-144 dated May 30, 2022 large-scale research work is being carried out at “TIIAME” National Research University on the topic “Development of theory and methods for assessing the strength and reliability of soil dams, taking into account soil moisture and nonlinear filtration." As a result of the research, an educational and scientific laboratory "Evaluation of the seismic resistance of reservoirs and hydraulic structures" was created, designed to evaluate soil structures, reservoir dams, foundations on seismic resistance using modern digital calculation methods and programs (Ansys, Plaxis, Abaqus, etc.). In 2023, for the first time in the republic, a device “Seismic platform for assessing the seismic resistance of soil dams” was created at our university.
On December 20, 2023 a presentation was held on the accuracy, commissioning and start of operation of the device. The presentation was attended by the rector of university, vice-rectors, deans, deputy heads and specialists of JSC Uzbekhydroenergo, the Agency for Innovative Development, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures of the Academy of Sciences Uzbekistan, Institute of Seismology named after. G.A. Mavlyanov, Republican Center for Engineering Surveys and Laboratory Research, Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Within the framework of scientific and industrial integration, the issues of joint use of the device and scientific cooperation were agreed upon. The educational and scientific laboratory “Assessment of the seismic resistance of reservoirs and hydraulic structures is gradually provided with modern special equipment and instruments at the expense of financial resources of the Agency for Innovative Development, the Support Fund in the field of Seismology, provision seismic stability of structures and seismic safety in the amount of about 2 billion soums. In particular, the licensed software ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical, Fortimus accelerometer (3 pieces), and more than 10 laboratory instruments were purchased and put into operation. In 2023, M. Mirsaidov and T. Sultanov prepared and published a modern textbook on the discipline “Seismic strength of hydraulic structures,” consisting of 8 chapters and 450 pages.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University