

Practical training for students at the water facility

"O'zsuvta'minot" JSC organized a training seminar at the Kodiriya water treatment plant, located in the Kibray district of the Tashkent region. The seminar was attended by the staff and students of the faculties of Electricity Supply of Agriculture and Water Resources and Hydromelioration of the  “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University.

The participants of the seminar witnessed the process of delivering clean drinking water to the population at treatment facilities, as well as the use of new technologies at the modern level.

The capacity of the water treatment plant is 4,200 m3/h and is capable of providing the population with 100,000 m3 of clean drinking water per day. During the seminar, the faculty and students received detailed answers to their questions. The visit to the Kodiria water treatment plant was very interesting and informative.

         "TIIAME" National Research University Press Service