

The poet, who taught to love the Motherland

   On April 19, at the National Library of Uzbekistan, named after Alisher Navoi, there was  organized the event, devoted to the book of Hero of Uzbekistan, People's Poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov ",where the presentation was done including his works such as “In Memory of Abdulla Aripov's contemporaries", a collection of poems "The Birth of a Poet", "Confession" and "My Wind".


The event was held as part of the Republican Week reading, the presentation was attended by fellows of Abdulla Oripov and members of the public, who expressed their points of view. At the end of the presentation, the poet's books were donated to the library from “TIIAME” National Research University. At the end of the event, all participants were photographed for a memory.


      Press service of “TIIAME” National Research University